Page 54 - MaSzeSz hírcsatorna 2022/1.
P. 54
a huminsavak javítják a gyökértömeg fejlődését it can renew itself again and again and ensure
és a növekedést, javítják a tápanyagok felvételét, continued farming. Composts made from wa-
és hozzájárulnak a magasabb terméshozam és ste materials appear to be the most suitable for
a jobb termés minőség eléréséhez. 'rehabilitating' soils affected by soil degradation
and replenishing soil strength.
Komposztálásra a levegőztetett prizma-kom-
posztálási technológia ajánlható, viszonylag Europe produces 2.5 billion tonnes of waste per
egyszerű gépészet és automatika szükséges year. That is why the EU is modernising its waste
az üzemeltetéséhez. Az eljárás előnye, hogy management legislation to encourage a shift to
a jó levegőellátás miatt a komposztálási folya- a so-called circular economy. The circular eco-
mat gyorsan lezajlik, egyenletesen jó minőségű nomy model of production and consumption is
komposzt-trágya biztosítható, a rövid átfutás based on extending the life of products as much
következtében csökken a komposztálás terület as possible, rather than consuming them once.
és idő igénye. When a product reaches the end of its life cycle,
the raw materials can be recycled. This reduces
waste and the reuse of raw materials and finished
SUMMARY products also creates economic value. In cont-
rast, the traditional economic model assumes
According to agricultural experts, intensive, a one-off consumption.
modern agriculture is being wasted by the ex-
cessive use of chemicals and fertilisers. Pesti- Composting can be used mainly for food pro-
cides, herbicides and other chemicals used in cessing, municipal waste, manure, energy crops,
intensive farming are damaging soil biodiversity. green waste and agricultural waste containing
Other threats include physical changes such ligno-cellulose. The main wastes that can be
as soil compaction and denudation when ar- composted are estimated as follows: food waste
tificial surfaces such as concrete or asphalt are 1.6; animal manure 9.2; municipal solid waste
used to cover the soil. Soil is a highly dynamic 3.0, together amounting to 13.8 million tonnes/
and fragile system. The most important soil year. Also significant are agricultural ligno-cellu-
degradation processes in the Carpathian Basin, losic [straw; corn cobs; corn stalks; vine(-shoot);]
including Hungary, are water and wind erosion, waste 6.2 - 8.4 and sewage sludge (digested;
soil acidification, salt accumulation, salinisation, aerobically stabilised) 0.23 million tonnes/year.
soil structure degradation, compaction, extreme A large quantity and quality of waste is available
soil water management, adverse microbiological for composting. The relatively low investment
processes and loss of organic matter. costs for compost plants and the rapid start-
up of compost plants indicate that industrial
Soil is a solid natural resource that can be re- compost production is a realistic alternative.
newed. If we protect it from degradation, erosion
and depletion, maintain its biological activity, Finished compost contains humic substances
preserve its structure, replenish humus, macro- (~5%), which are very stable forms of orga-
and microelements removed by crop production, nic matter and are important components of